The Ultimate CAM Course Preparation Checklist


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Are you preparing to earn your ‘Certified Apartment Manager’ (CAM) credentials? If so, congrats. You’ve made a wise choice.

Passing this assessment not only showcases your skills and knowledge, but it also teaches you how to better manage an apartment community and achieve the owner’s goals for investment.

You can take the CAM course either in-person or online. So, in this post, we’ll discuss how to best prepare to take the assessment.

Let’s dive in!

Familiarize Yourself With the Topics

The CAM credentials include a vast range of topics. Before you go into the course, make sure you determine if CAM is the right certification for you.

Some of the subjects you’ll cover include:

  • Occupancy rates
  • Comprehensive marketing plans
  • Property inspections
  • Preventive maintenance programs
  • Service request process
  • Apartment turnover
  • Contractors and vendors
  • Employment regulations and record-keeping
  • Accounting principles
  • Reporting property performance
  • Maximizing net operating income

And many others. You can download a flyer with all the information here.

Complete Online Training

You can prepare for the certification in several ways, and online training is one of them. These courses include virtual learning labs, CAM surveillance discussions, and virtual scheduling Labs.

Online training can provide you with a realistic representation of typical CAM documentation and interview scenarios with a government customer.

Learning this way is self-paced, and you can practice your knowledge through quizzes and exercises.

Study Independently

You can further complement your studies by reading up on the subject matter. Textbooks like “Project Management Using Earned Value” can help you understand what is covered in the CAM assessment and further your knowledge independently.

Take a Practise Test

The best way to check you’re ready for the exam is to take several practice tests. Do this until you’re confident that you can pass reliably. Tests are available through CAM courses and will help you pass your CAM license exam in Florida at the first attempt.

Read Every Question Twice

It’s easy to misunderstand a question or start to get nervous when you are under pressure. When you take the exam, take a breath, and read every question at least twice.

That way, you can catch any details you might have missed the first time. Once you’ve done that, make sure you also re-read all the answers until you’re sure you have a good understanding of them.

Go Into the Exam With a Calm Mindset

The most important thing is to take your time, relax, and trust your preparation. During the CAM license exam, you’ll have three hours to choose all of your answers, which is plenty of time to take it slow.

Take a water bottle, make yourself comfortable, and do anything you can beforehand to go into the exam relaxed and refreshed.

Ready to Take the CAM Course and License Exam?

The CAM course covers a wide range of topics, which means there’s lots to study. But with the right preparation, you’ll easily pass the assessment the first time around.

Prepare ahead of time and steadily work through the self-paced materials available from online course providers.

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