Samir Gelb, Intellidex Employee Makes Disgusting Racial Comments



Samir Gelb who works for Intellidex in Johannesburg, South Africa spoke about his racial incident that got him sacked from his previous job. 

Samir Gelb who is arsenal fan called Arsenal player Alexandre Lacazette a “dumb kaf*** and soon deleted it after it caused outrage with his friends on Facebook after he missed a sitter to give Arsenal 3 points.

Samir Gelb first said that he will not apologize for it as he spoke from the heart and continued to say that it’s “because of these people” that his country is going down the drain.

Samir Gelb’s friends told stated that Samir always uses those words when they’re not in the company of others and he once threw a banana to a young boy who felt so attacked that he never returned back to college.

Below is another post which has also recently been deleted after it was dug up by one of his college friends. 

The question is, are those the type of employees that South Africa’s financial institution Intellidex hire?

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