What Are Instagram Reels?



As you might have already heard, Instagram reels is a new feature on Instagram featuring 15 second videos. Influencer and filter creator Hari Tahov shares what is in store for the future of Instagram.

Why is Instagram introducing Instagram reels?

Instagram by Facebook has always been the leading social media platform in America. With Tik-Tok rapidly growing, Instagram wanted to address the growing appetite of online users’ video experience.

Why you should switch from tik tok to Instagram reels?

Tik-tok has made it harder to get discovered because it’s too saturated with content. There is also some concern about the security of information on the app. Instagram Reels by Facebook is new with a built in audience,giving users a fresh opportunity to be discovered. It is also easier to grow your Instagram audience directly through Reels than having followers from TikTok make the jump.

Can you use AR Filters with Instagram Reels?

Yes, Instagram Spark AR community has created an army of its programmers creating far more filters than any other platform. Most of the filters you have used on other apps are already on Instagram created by individuals known as filter creators and developers.

How are Instagram reels helping it’s users?

Instagram reels are a new medium on the platform which people are just starting to use. The probability to get discovered on Instagram reels is higher than tik-tok. Instagram reels is new, which means that people will just start to use it, and the first ones to start will be the future influencers of reels.

Can you gain followers with Instagram reels?

It’s easy to get more followers with Instagram reels due to the high discoverability. Instagram has made it easy for creators to get seen by people which increases the probability to get more out of Instagram.

Who will benefit from reels?

Short content videos like the ones posted on tik-tok will dominate Instagram reels. Many tik-tok creators can’t gain Instagram following, but now with the new update the tik-tok creators can find their community on Instagram.

What AR Filters to use for Instagram reels?

There’s really popular AR Filter creators and AR Filters on Instagram which you can use on Instagram reels. The sky is the limit.

You can order your own filter from creators like Hari who has worked for several brands and artists. His AR filter designs and creations are available.


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