Digital star Furkan Aibani also known as savagenewsfurkan creates Conspiracy videos and horror stories on different platforms, including YouTube, Facebook, Instagram and TikTok. He is adored and loved by his fans, not just for his TikTok videos, but also for his voice and the way he edits his videos.
He talks about his journey, the digital platform and more….
To begin with, how does it feel to be a digital star?
It feels good but I am working more hard and making new ways of editing so people can engage more on my videos and love it.
Describe life before and after being a YouTuber and TikTok star
In the beginning, the stage when I started making videos, I used to send YouTube links to my friends and people whom I know well, and they used to say, “Yaar hume ye faltu ke links mat bheja kar. Teri video bekar hoti hai.”
Now, since I became a bit popular, they tell me to include themselves in my videos. I really love people’s behavior towards me now. It has completely changed.
Tell us a bit about your journey, how you started and more.
So I started making videos and always had a passion for making videos over all social media, but I started with YouTube by making Vlogs and funny videos when I was 17. But nothing worked. I had 20 subscribers on YouTube and almost 20-30 views from my family and friends, But I never gave up. I tried making videos on all the social media platforms but nothing worked. I started making horror and conspiracy stories in Hindi on tiktok as no one was doing that in Hindi and no one knows much conspiracy in India so I was like let’s give them some knowledge and started making videos on it. My first video gained 5 Million views in 1 week and then it took off like a piece of cake. All of my videos started getting more than a million views and I was gaining so many followers. I went from 30 followers to 1.1 million in 20 days. And then TikTok got banned in India but yet I did not gave up. I started youtube again and now I am gaining at a rocket speed on YouTube and Instagram reels.
Ever fancy working for television or movies… or is the internet your preferred choice of medium?
Yes, I am waiting for the day I’ll be on TV or in a movie. However, nowadays, the internet is given more preference as compared to TV, as Netflix, Amazon Prime, etc. have taken over the entertainment industry like a storm. But I am happy at the place I am Today.
Anyone you idolize in your domain?
I always wanted to make different content on every platform, which I am doing. I try my best to showcase something really different in every other video and hence nobody else is doing so. Everyone is following the trend and I am trying to change the trend & making people get spooky.
How do you keep yourself updated as a performer?
I do read every comment on my videos, even if it makes me invest a good amount of time. It’s always good to know whether the audience is liking the content provided by me or not, because the audience is the ones who make people famous. So we should always go by what the audience wants.
When not busy working…how do you unwind?
Most of the time I am busy as I have to create 14 original TikTok videos and 3 ten-minute-long YouTube video every week. Mostly, I am either shooting or editing or writing. If somehow I am free for a while, I like to spend the time with my family as they are the ones who have always supported me in this journey.
Any final thoughts for your fans…
I love my fans and I can never thank them enough for supporting me. I still can not believe I have fans till this date. .