Who doesn’t love the idea of traveling? The succulent naturally beautiful areas attract any nature lover and the more you travel, the more you want to see and discover around you.
Like any other time, good and bad times come and go. Well, this time it looks like things are turning for the worst with the COVID-19 outbreak. The entire world is suffering and travelers find it hard to stop their urge not to travel. Therefore with the conditions going on, you can take serious precautions that you are bound to follow in such a medical crisis.
Canada is taking some serious precautions but you need to assure that being a responsible citizen you do not violate the said instructions at any cost.
First step: Disinfect
It’s unavoidable to not come in contact of other people, especially when you have to travel due to business traveling. The mode of vehicle you choose for your traveling will serve the purpose of completing a journey but before doing that it must be disinfected.
On one hand you can disinfect your vehicle or you can acquire services of Toronto airport limo as well, in case you do not have a personal car. If you have decided to rent a transfer service, make sure it prevails all necessary regulations opted by government authorities.
Step two: which parts to clean?
You can use a disinfectant all over the car’s exterior but for interior, there’s a lot of room to cover. Steering wheel, gearstick, door handles, radio infotainment control, elbow rests seat position controls, door frames, etc. every part of needs to be properly disinfected.
It is even more important for public transports. A private car transfer service has to make sure that such a serious step is taken so that their clients are privy to a virus-free car, so if you decide to hire a limo ride make sure they are following instructions.
Step three: what to use to disinfect a car?
Once conditions start to improve and traveling is safer from one city to another, via car, make sure you have the right cleaning products. Now the question is; which is the right cleaning product?
It’s simple, without spending much money on it; you can use domestic cleaning products. If you are a thorough cleaner you might have sprays or cleaning ensemble that contains at least 70% alcohol as a major ingredient. Remember cleaning products with alcohol are the most effective remedy against COVID-19, so you can clean the car’s interior with any of the products. It won’t damage any of your car’s interior but disinfect equally. You can also clean soft parts of the car with alcohol but try to abstain from using excessive amount.
Step four: how to clean the exterior of the car
You can use alcohol for the interior but avoid using hydrogen peroxide, as it is most likely to damage the built of material. When you travel around despite a virus or no virus, certain infecting bodies stick to the exterior. In normal circumstances, we do not pay much attention at all but now you ought to use a micro-fiber cloth with cleaning products containing ammonium for the exterior of the car.
It quite an ideal method, to disinfect the exterior, especially for services providing transfer rides; like airport limos and other private services, and it’s pretty helpful for personal care too seeing you do not have to go over the board to spend loads of cash either.
The thing is, it’s good to clean up your car amid your traveling plans, even if it’s for regular use. But you need to take self-precautions as well.
Use of facemask
Yes I know we hate the idea of anything touching our face except for the contour sticks or a baby’s soft hands, but guys this is serious! The reason why COVID-19 is infectious is it gets through your nose and mouth easily.
So besides avoiding touching your face, you need to wear a face mask as well. A good quality disposable mask can be used for a maximum of 8 hours (at hard times) but should be constantly changed. Once taken off, you can’t wear it again.
Wash hands properly
Keep sanitizers and antiseptic wipes with you at all times. You might travel to a place where you are unable to find water (or clean water) for that matter. Especially if you plan to visit a restaurant or have to buy a thing, you will need a sanitizer at all costs.
It is highly recommended to use sanitizers or wash your hands at least 5 times a day. keep a spare sanitizer in your car as well. It’s good to take proper precautions.
Cough at elbow
First of all, if you do show symptoms of flu or cough go to the doctor immediately. If you only have a cough do not use your hands, avoid using them. Use your elbow it’s safer.
If you feel your throat is getting dry, drink plenty of water. it will help with the cough or you can use lemon in water (make sure it’s lukewarm) and you can boost your immunity level.
Avoid physical contact
You love traveling right? Let’s say if you plan to travel all over Toronto with a fellow, avoid hugging or shaking hands or side kisses even.
Avoid any sort of physical contact in all cases (even keep a safe distance while riding on the back seat of Toronto airport limo. The virus spreads from contacts, you might not be aware whether the person is infected or not, in either case just say hello from afar with a polite smile and that would be enough for a greeting.
A good traveler has no fixed plans, but he still doesn’t move around foolishly ignoring the surroundings.
Safe travels everyone!
Those of you who love traveling, it’s hard but still understandable the need to cancel plans. Once you have tasted the love for traveling nothing can stop you from it but it’s always good to take healthy precautions to stay healthy and to stay alive.
Once the crisis is gone, you can travel all you want, wherever your desire, and there will be no stopping you! Make the right decision at the right time with no regrets.