The Italian Ambassadors is the most exclusive international Community in the world dedicated to promoting Italy, Italian culture and Italian products.
A global movement born to narrate and defend the authentic Italy, the one of excellence, of the greatest number of biodiversity, but also of UNESCO sites in the world.
A place where people of all nationalities meet, united by the same love and passion for Italy. A place where you can know and listen to the stories of people from every continent; share your experiences, talk about art, culture and Italian traditions.
The Italian Ambassadors community is today the most exclusive community in the world dedicated to Italy lovers and its members are:
- People who, with their efforts, contribute or have contributed to keeping Italy’s image high in the world.
- Women and men of Italian origin, who over the years have worked hard to preserve and hand down ancient traditions, the intangible heritage of this culture.
- Great lovers of Italy, not necessarily Italians, who in their daily lives dedicate themselves to spreading its culture or beauty.
- Entrepreneurs, artists, chefs and professionals who, through an attention to detail and a markedly Italian authenticity, have made the difference in their respective fields.
The figure of the Italian Ambassador is recognized as the highest expression of the Italian spirit, access to this Community is only possible on application and there is an annual registration fee. Those who pass the selection, in addition to entering the community, receive at home the official certification and the Italian Ambassador pin.
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