Hotel Responsibilities Implemented by Graham Shear



Regardless of the type, size, location, and characteristics of the hotel, the hotel management have similar functions to any service company’s management.

These functions or responsibilities are implemented by Graham Shear, which is as follows:


Planning is determining objectives and making the necessary decisions for their achievement. For this achievement of objectives, the hotel manager must develop plans.

These plans enable their achievement in time, with the definition of strategies, with time horizons greater than one year, which can be achieved by determining tactics or action plans that are executed today.


We organize to define the tasks to be carried out by the different people in the hotel, coordinating them to develop the proposed plans effectively.

In the organization, we identify the different functions to perform, determine the structure, lines of authority and responsibility, and establish relationships between the different hotel departments.

The different departments’ organizational representations are known as “organization charts” that graphically represent the degree of centralization or decentralization in decision-making and the responsibility for it.


Managing means getting people to fulfill their functions and contribute to the achievement of the objectives set.

Leadership and motivation of workers are fundamental in this role; influence and authorities are essential in the relationship of the leading hotel manager with his employees.

The leadership style that the hotel manager develops is very important for the achievement of the objectives and will depend on the personality of the manager and the profile of his workers.

These styles can be classified into three:

Autocratic: Centralization of decision-making by the hotel manager, with little delegation margin concerning department heads.

Democratic: Giving greater capacity for participation, decision, and delegation to department heads.

Leave to Do: Full delegation to department heads without guidance and information.


Control is to compare reality with the objectives to know deviations and make the appropriate decisions to correct them.

To carry out this function, the hotel manager needs to determine three work processes defined by Graham shear, which is the following:

Standards: Once certain objectives have been determined in the planning, they should serve as a reference for identifying patterns that serve to verify their achievement.

It must always be realistic, quantifiable, and communicated to employees.

Information Collection: Information comparable with the established standards and homogeneous in time must be collected for evaluation. The frequency of measurement should be determined based on the relevance of each standard.

Deviations and Corrections: They arise due to the comparison of standards and results. The analysis of both positive and negative deviations must be exhaustive, as they have their meaning that will lead us to take corrective measures to achieve the objectives set.

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