Possible Treatment for Internet Addiction Using Android Spyware



The 21st century is all about the internet, and it is the most popular usage technology trend worldwide. Many analyses show the rise in negative effects of the internet, including security, invasion of privacy, cyber threats, etc. While talking about internet dangers, we shouldn’t overlook the root of such problems, which is internet addiction.

Internet Addiction – What is it?

Internet addiction is a severe problem that occurs when a user spends most of the time on the internet, and this action leads to evading real-life activities. 65% of people use smartphones to access the internet, and this report shows that people can’t live without the digital world.

 Internet addiction – Multiple Types [2020].

1 – Cybersex catch the user’s attention and make them stay for hours that can cause major real-life relationship problems.

2 – Too much Internet surfing may get exposure to offensive data, including videos, photos, etc.

3 – Online relationships addiction can get things worst and cause the distance between the user and his/her real-life friends and family members.

4 – The more a user spends time on the internet, the more chances to get interacted with sexual predators.

5 – Online game addiction may also be the reason to seek the user’s attention, but this addiction leads to the low-productivity and can ruin the career.

6 – High online surfing decreases the creativity level and also affects real-life activities.

 Internet Addiction Statistics 2020

We take help from the studies to find out what and how any danger can harm us.

1 – 6% of the world population has internet addiction.

2 – China is on the top in most internet addicted countries, and the USA lies in the third position on this list.

3 – 10 % population is addicted to the social media platform.

4 – 61% of internet active users have this addiction disorder.

5 – 3.4% Students of High School have an internet addiction, reportedly.

6 – 18-29 age group is the most internet addiction, victims.

7 – Even 20% of Users wake up at night to check the notifications for social networking sites.

8 – 5.9% of internet addicts shared about their real-life relationship failure.

But here, we should also discuss the effects of internet addiction.

 Effects of Internet Addiction

1 – We can’t deny the negative impacts of internet addiction, and it’s the very first and most negative effect is the psychological improper functionality.

2 – Screen Usage in excess causes blurred vision.

3 – Such an addictive behavior leads to poor sleep quality.

4 – Physical Problems, like a neck problem, are reported as the most common issue by using the internet in excess.

5 – Cyberbullying, and other internet dangers can harm the user and cause the lower-esteem.

Would you prefer Treatment or Prevention for internet addiction?

Indeed, everything that we use in excess only brings harm to us. Well, no one wants to welcome such negative effects of the internet, but yes, you can stop them by using the right solution, which is android spyware.

Anyone can get help from such monitoring services and set the screen time of the target phone. This is a prevention process, and we can also consider it as treatment. You can use android spyware to prevent excessive internet usage and can control all the activities of the user as a treatment.


We understand how important it is to spend a healthy life with your loved ones while living with technology, but you can also spend a good life and shield your loved ones from such addictive behavior using android spyware. Choose a reliable spy software and access the target phone to track text messages, phone calls, Social media accounts, WhatsApp Messenger, etc.

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