Introducing to you a health based iOS application “Thermokay” which allows users to share their temperature with their friends and family. Thermokay comprises four sections – home page, the group page, the profile page and the calendar page. Each user receives an individual QR code which holds their temperature and can be scanned through a camera.
Scan your temperature:
Going to the home page enables users to enter their temperature by scanning the thermometer. The procedure is simple – Using one’s phone camera, the temperature appearing on a digital thermometer can be scanned and stored in the app. The scanner uses Optical Character Recognition to identify the number (temperature) located on the thermometer and stores the temperature to your profile and QR code. Each user gets an individual QR code which can then be used to transfer the user’s individual data to another device in a matter of seconds.
Add multiple users:
The group page enables users to create groups and add multiple users of their choice. Once a group is created, the temperature records of all group members can be accessed from a single device, making it convenient to monitor the health of multiple users at the same time. This feature can be useful in various settings, both formally and informally. A host, for example, may track the temperatures of all the guests at the party and invite only the people who do not have a fever. In a professional workplace, employees’ temperature records could be stored within a single group.
Keep a tab on your own profile:
A user can see their current recorded temperature on the profile page. The QR code is also located on this page.
Track your readings on a timeline:
This feature charts the users’ temperature and current location on a daily basis to help track their temperatures in every location they have been to. This gives the user a clear picture of how they have maintained their health ever since they began recording their temperature and may help their doctors observe any signs of a possible illness if a fever is one of its symptoms.
In an ideal future, Thermokay is to become widely popular among various establishments. Businesses can track users’ temperatures by scanning their QR codes to maintain a record of their employees’ health. However, its usage is not only limited to organizations. The advantages of this feature can be extended to households, where family members can monitor each other’s temperatures, contributing to healthier families. The most significant use of this app could be hospitals and doctors’ clinics, where every patient’s temperature record could be maintained quickly and easily as opposed to a manual database. This application could help create a safe space for public gatherings, whether they are at malls, restaurants or any other crowded areas.
Thermokay is available now in the app store:
. For more information visit