Rats! This month there will be no dearth of opportunities but you may not be able to handle them all or use them to your best advantage. Besides a few wrong turns, you will be able to move quickly towards your goal.
In the first week keep a low profile as relationships and partnerships may need more effort to keep the balance.
You can’t afford to make the wrong move or say the wrong things as confrontation comes readily. An upbeat second week when superiors begin to appreciate your ability to change or come up with new strategies.
Inspite of some confusion about the details, you’ll be able to keep projects on track. In the third week, you could stumble upon a new segment that has colleagues and rivals going green with envy.
Offer for a long-term prospect with another company is tempting, but getting there may require a mountain of effort.
Month-end you may have to re-adjust to new standards that hamper your usual way of working. Make the adjustments with new schedule or responsibilities and you’ll be noticed for your capability.
As reported by the website Chinese Zodiac Secrets, this month you’ll want to experiment with new ideas and maybe even take on a few risks. You may tend to dictate your terms but you’ll be comfortable with going along with the trend. In the first week, you may have to change the way you take on your responsibilities.
Adopting new skills or strategies allow you to better showcase your talents, and boost your public image dramatically. In the second week you may find it hard to decide whether working independently or in a team offers better results.
If you change your perspective, working both ways should be fruitful. In the third week a complex issue is likely to mar your enthusiasm—thankfully help isn’t too far away. Be patient and observant and you should be able to get the true picture. Tempting offers abound towards month end, and it’s easy to believe what you hear.
But there’s no guarantee that what you’re being shown is the whole truth. Small-term alliances may see rough weather simply due to the little issues…Drop your ego and all should go well.
This month be observant as some variables can affect the course of your project. Besides some tension or stress this period should prove to be rewarding in many ways— though not so much in terms of finances.
The first week may seem a bit topsy-turvy with the unexpected happening more than what is being planned. The Gemini flexibility comes in handy especially when dealing with higher-ups.
Second week is allows you to generate more business on easy terms. Don’t be afraid to try your hands in a new project even though you may have to learn a new skill. New job offer in the third week may put you in a bit of dilemma since it assures greater incentives but at the cost of slower progress.
A past mistake can be easily sorted out if you’re ready to throw some money. Month-end may find you in a war of words with a coworker who’s also be in the race to a promotion. A charismatic figure inspires you and helps you adopt a new approach in marketing your products/services.
Progressive connections come your way this month but it all depends on whether you have your facts and figures right. This period should prove to be fruitful and allow you to clear matters that were getting out of hand. First week you may find yourself in a tug-of-war between an urge for independence and benefits of a team.
Resources will be available to help you carry out your plan–work should be more like play this time! Stay alert in the second week as someone may try to pull the rug from under your feet. Marketing folks can expect to feel more relaxed as work comes in by way of referral. The third week favours risky moves and boldly promoting yourself.
Efforts to improve public relations or boosting your corporate image are rewarding. Consultants can expect a very lucrative time, as bigger clients are prepared to spend a little more than usual.
In the last week, professional dealings can be finalized if you can muster the courage to play the rival’s game. It is fine to keep certain moves or ideas up your sleeve-till they are announced formally.
This month, past issues can be revived and long term goals can be set into motion. If aiming at mostly on financial plans, be cautious as they could be delayed or cancelled. The first week becomes a good time to plan a major project.
More than one project or responsibility could be thrown upon you—which may actually be a good thing as far as promotion is concerned. In the second week recognition for recent achievements provides a sense of satisfaction and makes you feel as if all your efforts have been worthwhile. Reward in material terms is a possibility as well for you Lions!
Mid-month you may find that moving to a more prestigious address offers greater benefits. While most things seem to move slowly, this period can be used for tackling issues that have too many loose ends.
In the last week a previous contract may have to be amended to include an updated set of clauses. Keep the lines of communication open or you may miss out on an important opportunity. If you deal quickly and efficiently with clients, the rewards are certain.
This month is one in which you may be overly cautious and yet be unable to catch the mood of the moment.
While there’s no dearth of activities to keep you busy, it may require great effort to keep things in control and retain clients. In the first week keep you feet on the ground and try not to stray too far from proven methods.
Rapid changes in the work environment may force you to give a more serious thought to future options. Second week should allow you time to present your visions in interesting ways—no wonder you’ll be busy explaining them to new associates.
Paying more attention to detail than usual can pay off. In the third week, watch out for rivals who may have your most valued projects in their sights. This is a time when you must be extra careful of your reputation.
Month-end a tempting overseas offer can be a welcome distraction in your present position. Solution to a recent predicament should be available but may take some time to implement.
Progress with work and routine matters could be held up due to overconfidence this month. You may also have to go over work previously done because you have been given incorrect information. In the first week a superior may appear to be exaggerating certain problems.
There is a good chance that they are imagined and simple solutions are close on hand. Making a difficult decisions and doing things on your own risk are possible. In the second week you may be thrust into a race for a prestigious project. You’ll have to review and reallocate time and resources, and update your arsenal and knowledge.
In the third week you may not be at your physical best–maybe it’s because you’ve been burning the candle at both ends. An old chain of communications could slow down the pace for a while, but isn’t likely to hold you back for too long.
Month-end, getting down to routine matters should allow you to reorganize and wrap up unfinished matters. Travel and new experiences are tempting, but long term prospects also play in your mind.
This month activities that you’ve shied away from return to haunt you, but they offer a chance to learn new skills to make the future more productive. You may need more vitality and verve, along with some patience to achieve your set targets. In the first week patch up differences with colleagues and you’ll be able to make quicker progress.
Someone close to you may prompt you to reveal your argumentative side. But you can turn this into an opportunity to promote your pet project instead! In the second week if you’ve been hoping for a promotion, try not to raise your hopes too high just yet. While nothing is stopping you, the competition may be tougher than you had prepared for. The pressure mounts in the third week as someone from outside may enter in the fray for a coveted assignment.
The potential for partnerships and stronger alliances is much greater now. The creative juices drive you in the last week, which can help with short-term gains. If you’ve been playing it safe lately you may consider moving more aggressively now.
This is unlikely to be an ordinary start to the month that will have you moving out of your comfort zone and venturing into newer pastures. You have the courage and can win support for promoting your ideas. In the first week your network expands and you have a wider audience to play to.
Utilise your assets and try not to rely on just one option—you are more likely to be let down. The pressure increases in the second week but don’t stick your head in the sand. Deal with the issues early or you’ll only make it worse by ignoring them. Mid-month perfecting your job skills puts you right on track for a higher role or promotion.
You may be forced to let go of something that you’ve held on to for too long. In the last week insight and imagination contribute to your appeal and helps draw the more challenging roles towards you.
Don’t hesitate to ask for help if you need it—other people will be willing to assist if you drop the Saggi ego.
A progressive period when you’ll want to speed things up and redefine your goals. But to take the next important step up the ladder of success, you’ll need to first deal with the facts and risk rubbing some people the wrong way.
In the first week you may encounter some hiccups in a project with people who just want to hear themselves talk. Be prepared to make some of your own contributions to upgrade the quality of your present environment. In the second week you may need expert knowledge before you can get a project off the shelf.
Renovate or improvise and you should see great results Capri! In the third week, colleagues fall in with your plans and seniors are likely to be more cooperative, despite the obvious challenges.
Disagreements may require a delicate hand as someone may try and miscommunicate the real issues. Month-end use your advantageous position to find the necessary information. Keep a little bit of your attention focused on what drives you deep within and you should be able to stay balanced.
his month should prove to be productive and satisfying as long as you’re careful and do your homework.
You’re likely to jump headlong into an apparently lucrative venture without properly considering its pros and cons.
As the month starts, someone might not have the best intentions and try to cover things related to a new project. Work may slow down because you’re unsure of the prospects of a new partnership. The second week calls for a tighter grip on subordinates while dealing with a prolonged issue.
An old rivalry could resurface out of nowhere… You’ll need to watch your emotions if you want to keep your professional image intact. During the second half of the month, try not to take rushed decisions that you may regret later; people you trust may not be playing fair this time.
An understated move may be the trick to landing a coveted position. In the last week, negotiations with a seemingly positive person may lead nowhere, but may set the stage for a more profitable future project. An unusual offer could put you in a dilemma as both ways hold promising opportunity.
An inner drive along with a little help from seniors helps you reach out further this month. Your mind can figure out any scenario and process information into a workable plan. In the first week you may find it easier to stick with a tough task than go out on a limb and venture into the unknown.
There’s a danger of contradicting superiors; it would be better to follow rules to avoid miscommunication. In the second week gossip or possibly your own level of fear may contribute to existing confusion. Discuss what irks you with peers and it should help clear the air.
Past issues need to be replaced with what’s happening now… just make a new start Pigs!
In the third week you may have to go with the need of the hour in order to achieve the objectives of the month. Set aside your own personal opinions–whether fair or foul. In the last week you’ll be able to get others to bend to your desires. You may not want to give team members too many options to choose from in an effort to drive the project faster.